- "Learning to pray doesn't offer us a less busy life; it offers us a less busy heart. In the midst of outer busyness we can develop an inner quiet."
- "Whenever Jesus starts talking about His relationship with His heavenly Father, Jesus becomes childlike, very dependent." (John 5:19, 30, 8:28, 12:49)
- "How do we learn to talk with our Father? By asking like a child..." Children ask for everything and anything, over and over again and they just say what is on their minds.
- "When your mind starts wandering in prayer, be like a little child. Don't worry about being organized and staying on task." Just get the words out. :)
Half of my time in the US is gone. Would you please join me in prayer as I share my heart with people and talk about our ministry needs? I am in need of $450 per month to be at full support. This has been my specific prayer: that the Lord would provide at least 10 financial supporters who would join my team and commit to give monthly -
1 person with $100
5 people with $50
4 people with $25
Thank you for your prayers! If you happen to be one of the 10 people, don't hesitate to let me know! :))
Kedves magyarul beszélők, ez egy rövidített fordítás, a fentiek összegzése. :) Az Amerikában töltött időm felénél járok. A reggeli csendes órákban nagyon sokat tanulok, még ha korán kell is kelni, mert zsúfoltak a napok, de megéri!!! Az imádság téma került most nagyon előtérbe. A legjobb példa Jézus, aki úgy függött az Atyától, mint egy kisgyermek, és imádkozott, imádkozott, imádkozott. Szeretnék én is olyan egyszerűvé, bizakodóvá és gondtalanná válni, mint a kisgyermekek - az imádságban is! Ó, és köszönöm, ha imádkoztok a hiányzó támogatásomért, ami havi 450 dollár. Köszönöm!!!
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