Friday, January 27, 2012

A Greater Yes

Some of you, "old friends":) might remember an email I sent you a couple of years ago with the subject ...AND GOD SAID "NO". As I mentioned in my first post I've been praying for this trip to America since 2006. (It seems God had to teach me a lot to prepare my heart for this furlough. :-)) Back in 2008 some amazing things happened. I got an invitation from a dear family from the States to visit them and they were willing to take me into some churches too to share about my ministry. With my friend, Juci, we started to make plans. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. It was an adventure to see how God was putting the little pieces of the puzzle in their places.

Then June 19th came. We went to apply for a visa... and they rejected both of us. It was shocking and unexpected. For some reason the Lord closed that open door. We didn't understand why, but by the grace of God we had peace and thankfulness in our hearts, knowing that God was in control and His plan was the best for us. That's when I wrote that email, which ended with the following words: "We might not see or understand clearly His ways, but we can be sure that God doesn't make any mistakes. Isn't it wonderful to have a Father like Him? Soli Deo Gloria!"

I don't know what God is preparing for me for this summer. But I know one thing: He is sovereign, and He will do whatever He wants. What a blessing that He is in control of all the events of our lives! As one of my classmates said last week, "sometimes God answers our prayer with "no" to our will but it is, in fact, a "yes" to His will which is always for our good and His glory." There is always a greater YES! I'm looking forward to God's perfect plan this time!

Friday, January 20, 2012

I Love My Biblical Counseling Classes!!!

I'm so blessed! Last night as I was coming home through the woods after having an awesome class, I could've shout for joy, I was sooo happy. (I didn't do it, since you can never know who else is walking around in the darkness... :)) I'm learning so much through my online classes. I praise God for the privilege to be a student at Faith Bible Seminary. This semester I'm taking "Theology of Biblical Counseling". Let me share something I just read recently:

"To know something in your head is one thing; to feel it in your heart is another. And I think most Christians are trying to be happy without having a sense of the Presence. It's like trying to have a bright day without having the sun... The image of God must continue to come forth, as an artist works on a painting. First it's only an outline and a general confusion, but the artist knows what's there, and slowly it comes out." (Tozer: The Attributes of God)

The title of this blog is entheos, "having God within". I know God is present in my life, but I also want to be aware of His PRESENCE all the time. Tomorrow is my birthday. (In Hungary you are not supposed to tell people your age, but I think that's so foolish, since the older you get, the more you can testify God's goodness in your life. Anyways, I'll respect this tradition ;)). My greatest desire for this next year is to get closer to God and to be more like Him. The following song expresses my birthday wish beautifully, that people would see Jesus in me!

Monday, January 16, 2012

In the Beginning...

In the year of the Lord two thousand and six (AD 2006) I started to pray for two “major” things – an opportunity to study Biblical Counseling and for a visit to America. I had no idea when the Lord will answer these prayers, but I believed that the fulfillment of these dreams would bring glory to our God.

When I joined Word of Life Hungary I knew that I was not prepared to be a counselor for the girls in the Bible School, but I was also sure about God’s calling. I had the privilege to learn from some great leaders, who have been wonderful examples for me, but I also had the desire to study and to become more prepared for the work God called me to do. In 2010 my faithful Father miraculously answered to my first request and opened the door to study at Faith Bible Seminary (Lafayette, IN). What a praise! I’ve completed four online courses and I’m in the middle of the fifth one. I’m so thankful for God’s provision during this whole time! It’s been a huge encouragement for me and for all those who have been praying for my tuition. The reason I’m so excited about this summer is that hopefully I can take a residency course while being in the States. Please pray with me for this.

My other goal is to present our ministry and raise the necessary funds of being here. I believe that in the past six years the Lord has been preparing me for my very first furlough. Raising support has been one of the most challenging part of my ministry but I would not choose a different path! What a great lesson to learn how to trust God and depend on Him. It has been a wonderful journey to see how God graciously provides and lays the desire on people’s heart to pray and give for His work. These dear men and women of God are the members of our team. It’s a privilege to serve our Father together. I’m excited to visit many of my faithful supporters and make new friends as well. If you are interested in hearing more about God’s work in Hungary, please contact me at email address.